Itchy skin at night hormone imbalance is a problem that occurs in women during their menopause time. Many women experience itchiness at night right before they retire to bed.
This of course boils to some discomforts that also tend to interfere with the otherwise sound sleep that ought to be enjoyed at such times. This itchy skin at night hormone imbalance has to be avoided at all costs to guarantee sound sleep.
For this to happen, you have to know the root causes of the issue and the likely impacts that the issue may potentially bring along. We draft this article to look into the causes, impacts, and possible intervention measures of this problem of itchiness at night due to hormonal imbalance.

Hormones are chemicals that are secreted by the endocrine systems and are used to deliver messages to the various organs of the body to ‘tell them what to do.’ They also regulate many bodily processes.
Hormonal imbalances arise whenever there are either excessively high or low levels of hormones in the bloodstream. As such, an imbalance in the levels of the hormones has the potential to inflict a wide range of problems to the body, chief of these, being the pruritus i.e. itchiness at night.
Perhaps the most affected bodily function, whenever there is a hormonal imbalance, is the menopause. When menstruating, there is often the reduction of estrogen levels.
This reduction leads to a subsequent reduction in the production of collagen that moisturizes the skin with natural oils. The simultaneous absence of collagen and oils leads to drier skin and such skin feels itchiness. This is also called perimenopause itching.
Itchy skin at night hormonal imbalance also causes vaginal itching. When women face a lack of estrogen hormone, it causes vaginal tissue dry and thinner. As a result, sufferers feel itchy and painful skin at night.
This itching appears mostly at night because our body remains warmer at night compared to the daytime. Moreover, itching cannot distract us in the daytime due to our busy schedule but feels more at night due to our less activity.
The end result is a rise in the prickly itchy skin menopause. It arises mainly during the perimenopause period (8-10 years before the onset of menopause) and goes until shortly after the menopause.
Due to hormone imbalance menopause itchy skin rash affects all parts of the body. Nonetheless, the following parts are usually at a strategic disadvantage:
- Face
- Limbs
- Neck
- Chest
- Back
- Elbows
- T-zone
Scalp is another part of the body that also faces itching. It is due to dandruff because when hormonal imbalances happen, it results dandruff. Moreover, dandruff is accompanied by itching. It is called menopause itching scalp.
The followings are hormone imbalance skin problems:
- Acne
- Rashes
- Pigmentation
- Wrinkling
The above discussion is the reason of itchy skin at night due to hormonal imbalance. Now we will go forward to know other causes of itchy skin at night.
1 – Natural Circadian Rhythms
Your body’s natural processes are regulated by the built-in circadian rhythms. These have to maintain a regular and consistent flow or pattern. Any adverse alterations in these patterns may often impact you adversely and lead to the rise of itchiness.
2 – Alteration of Skin Temperature
The human body has to operate within a fixed and comfortable temperature range. This is typically 37°C (98.6°F), give or take. An adverse alteration of this temperature range is often likely to give rise to itchy skins. Particularly, the rise in body temperature is the one that is primarily responsible for this.
3 – Variations in the Release of Bodily Substances
Other than the body temperature, the body itself does release some substances that are intended to uphold and maintain the proper functioning of your body. This release varies considerably by the time of the day. At night you tend to release more cytokines that trigger inflammations and itching.
4 – Loss of Skin Moisture
Some forms of itchiness do arise due to a loss of skin moisture. This loss arises mostly when the ambient humidity is too low. If and when this happens, the end result might often be the sensation of pain and the subsequent itchy skin at night hormone imbalance that comes along.
5 – Skin Diseases
A couple of skin diseases also contribute to the emergence of the problem of itchy skin at a time. Examples of these include the hives, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, and indeed, more besides. If you have them, you have to take deliberate steps to combat them altogether.
6 – Infestations by Bugs
If you live in an area that has poor hygienic conditions, you are also prone to the risks of itchiness at night. That is because these areas are prone to many bugs and mites that may chew you up. These include the pinworms, bed bugs, lice, and scabies. Take care that you clean your area thoroughly.
7 – Nerve Disorders
Do you have nerve disorders? You could also be prone to the itchy skin at night. These orders include diabetes, shingles, and multiple sclerosis. They compromise the ability of your nerves to mitigate the sensation of pain and also amplify inflammations.
8 – Allergic Reactions
Next to the above are the allergies and the reactions that come along ordinarily. Those prone to cosmetics, foods, drugs, and chemicals will usually most always experience the itchiness at night. It is hence up to you to find a way of dealing with the allergies.
9 – Pregnancy
Itchiness at night has also been noted to prevalent among those who are pregnant during their active pregnant months. This is mainly due to the adverse reactions to the chemicals that come along when one is dealing with the matters of pregnancies. Utmost care is yet again highly called for at such times.
10 – Psychological Conditions
Quite a number of psychological disorders have also been noted to contribute to the itchiness at night. Schizophrenia, depression, and stress are the leading causes of itchiness under this category. You hence have to take deliberate measures yet again to reverse these problems.

If the itchy skin at night hormone imbalance is left unattended, it will usually boil to some critical problems. In this section, we take a look into these likely adverse impacts. Here they are:
1 # Lack of Sleep
The number side effect of excessively itching at night is the lack of sleep. You need ample peace to be able to sleep soundly without being disturbed at all. Itching too much of course interferes with this peace to make you stay awake for too long when deep in the night.
2 # Damage to Internal Organs
For a large part, itchiness is caused by some underlying issues such as the ones we have explained above. Thus, if you leave it to go on indefinitely, you could in fact be posing threats to some of your internal organs. This calls for your prompt interventions to remedy the problem.
3 # Skin Issues
Scratching your skin consistently for too long may give rise to some skin issues. Examples of these are peeling off of the skin, blisters, and the possibilities of bleeding. Cutting your nails down to size is a sure way of minimizing the likelihood of these itchy skin at night hormone imbalance from arising.
4 # Disturbances of your Partner
If you sleep with your partner in the same bed, this itchy skin at night hormone imbalance will no doubt interfere with his peace as well. When constantly turning out and about, the partner no doubt gets disturbed from sleep. That may lead to dissatisfaction from the matters of sleep and rest.
5 # Sleep-deprivation Complications
A persistent lack of sleep may also lead to sleep-deprivation complications. These take the forms of strokes, stress, depression, mental illnesses, insomnia, and accidents. They usually arise if the matter is left to go on unabated for quite a long duration of time. To reverse this trend, you need a permanent solution and a reversal of habits.
To combat this itchy skin at night hormone imbalance, you need to implement a number of strategies. We dedicate this segment of our discussions to look into those very strategies here for you:
1 – Prescription and over-the-counter medications
There are numerous prescription and over-the-counter medications for your consideration. Many of them relieve the itch whereas others are designed to help you to sleep just fine. Top examples of these are diphenhydramine, promethazine, hydroxyzine, fexofenadine, cetirizine, and chlorpheniramine. They are better recommended for perimenopause skin problems.
2 – Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
These are medications that are intended to restore the delicate balance of progesterone and estrogen levels. They relieve excessive sweating, hot flashes, itchiness at night, and a host of symptoms that arise in times of menopause. Owing to the intricacies involved, these medications are administered strictly by competent medical practitioners.
3 – Steroid Creams
You may also wish to attempt a number of steroid creams. These have the ability to stop the sensation of itchiness right at the source. Apply them moderately and generously to be able to experience the most effective outcomes. While at it, be sure that the creams are comfortable and compatible with your skin. They work better for the menopause itching at night.
4 – Antidepressants for itchy skin at night hormone imbalance
Antidepressants contain potent sedative effects and are also anti-itching. Two of them stand out. These are the doxepin (Silenor) and the mirtazapine (Remeron) respectively. You may consider laying your hand on them to be able to combat and quell the itchy skin at night hormone imbalance. They do so with a fair degree of accuracy.
5 – Lifestyle Changes
As explained above, this problem arises partly as a result of stress and other psychological causes. If that is the case, then, you have to make deliberate lifestyle changes. Examples of these could be progressive muscle relaxation, meditation, and fun-filled activities. Guidance and counseling could also be of help.
6 – Administration of Phytoestrogens
Phytoestrogens are compounds that occur naturally in plants. They are abundant in leguminous plants, fruit, vegetable, and some pulses. These compounds have been noted to balance the levels of estrogens in the blood. Excessive intakes up the levels whereas a refrain from them reduces the levels. These in turn keep the issue of itchiness at bay.
7 – Treat your Skin Well
Though this does really not take the pain away or alter the circumstances adversely, it could as well mitigate the severity of the pains realized. The use of alcohol-free moisturizers like the Cetaphil, Eucerin, Vanicream, and CeraVe may help to soothe the skin and prevent it from being too itchy.
8 – Wet Compress the Itch
Like the treatments we have spoken of above, this too does not mitigate the problem. It merely soothes the pain and prevents the same from getting overboard. To implement it, apply some cool wet compress to the area that is itchy to help soothe and slow down the pains.
9 – Bathe in Lukewarm Water
Taking a shower in some lukewarm water right before getting to bed will also reduce the likelihood of the emergence of the sensation of itchiness. While at it, you are highly advised to use the baking soda and colloidal oatmeal in lieu of the ordinary bathing soaps or detergents.
10 – Turn on the Humidifier
As a last resort, you may also consider turning on the humidifier as a way of combating this itchy skin at night hormone imbalance. As we have already explained, this itchiness arises partly due to the loss of the skin moisture. Turning on the humidifier will restore the moisture balance of the skin and prevent it from developing itchiness.
See Also: 14 Foods To Help Tighten Skin You Should Never Miss.
There are a number of boundaries you should never cross in the course of combating this itchy skin at night hormone imbalance. Crossing such boundaries will usually worsen the situation and land you in more trouble. We explain these boundaries here below for your consideration.
1 # Putting on Itchy Night Garments
You should never put on itchy night garments if you have or are prone to this itchy skin at night hormone imbalance. Instead, put on those that have soft and natural fibers. These could be silk, fine linen, or cotton. They will scratch you less and also give rise to limited spates of itchiness.
2 # Setting too High Temperatures
Higher temperatures, as we have consistently spelled out, have the tendency to invigorate the feeling of itchiness. As a general rule, the standard ambient temperature ought to be around 60°F to 65°F. Any higher than this will certainly make your skin prone to itchiness. Keep your ambient temperature lower than this.
3 # Taking Alcohol and Caffeine before Sleep
Never take alcohol or caffeinated beverages right before you go to bed. They have the tendency to trigger the feeling of itchy skin at night hormone imbalance. That is due to their roles in widening the blood vessels that subsequently send more blood to the skin and make the same warmer.
4 # Applying Perfumes and Cosmetics
On the same note, you should never apply perfumes or cosmetics moments before going to bed. They are likely to irritate your skin especially if you are allergic to them. Instead, keep your skin dry and completely devoid of these substances. That will go a long way in minimizing the sensation of itchiness.
5 # Scratching and Irritating your Skin
Even if you feel the sensation of itchiness, you are advised not to scratch the skin excessively. A gentle scratching will do just fine. Perhaps one sure way of achieving this end is to cut and maintain your nails short and precise. That will go a long way in minimizing the pains that come along.
See Also: How To Cure Melasma From The Inside – 10 Tips.
It may not always be that the interventions we have highlighted and explained above may yield the necessary outcomes. In fact, many people have experienced a worsening of the itchy skin at night hormone imbalance even after implementing those strategies. If you are one such, you are not alone. All hope is not lost either.
We ask you now to go and see a doctor. Let the doctor examine you and put you under some firm medication regime. Usually, this is a step you have to take after two weeks of consistent at-home medication. Also, if you cannot sleep completely, you should take the step even before the expiration of the two-week ultimatum.
The same should apply if other symptoms accompany your normal discomforts. These could be the menopause itchy skin rash, general weaknesses, unexplained weight loss, high fever, and general discomforts, and intensified itchiness. Waiting for too long may in fact worsen your condition overall.
As you may see from the foregoing explanations, tackling itchy skin at night is no walk in the park. You have to take care of a number of things and factors to be able to accrue the necessary outcomes. A fine reading of our article and the recommendations contained therein will certainly do.
Then, you have to be both persistent and consistent as you go about the issue of itchy skin at night hormone imbalance. The remedies we have highlighted and explained above might never yield the necessary outcomes on the first day or attempt. Having done our part, we now wish you all the very best in your subsequent trials and battles.